Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Students and Social Communication Online and Off

Today we talked a lot on technology and how it is affecting student communication. I have gone through a long internal debate between the negatives and positives. On one hand I feel that with the large amount of new and different communication mediums, it can dilute ones ability to have good face to face contact. On the other, it opens up so many different communication opportunities that well help grow their socially skills greatly. 

At first I really thought that with all the opportunities to communicate, students would lean towards non verbal most of the time if they had a choice. From what I see during school and even in my after school interaction with students they are usually texting, snap chatting, Facebook chatting or the like. Being a young teacher, I find myself doing the same. I use just as many social media sites and communication methods as my students. However, I think of myself in a different category because I did not grow up through high school with all of this social media. I didn't text when I was that young and Facebook came out my freshman year in college. The plethora of different methods and the accessibility is just so great now that students cant avoided it if they want to. I have 5th grade students talking to me about how many Instagram followers they have. (Their stories are quite hilarious I may add). I also had a strong feeling that students would utilize that confidence they gain through non verbal, electronic communication and would say things they wouldn't have the gull to say face-to-face. This would likely get them into trouble where they wouldn't have said anything if they were in a face-to-face conversation or confrontation. They is somewhat reaffirmed by the amount of cyber bulling that is out there. I have helped students get through numerous bouts of bullying that has all stemmed from online banter or posts.

After I have internally deliberated and done my best to apply the current social media scene to my own adolescence I have found that my views have changed. Awkward people have always been around. People who have difficulty with face-to-face communication were around back then and I don't really see an increase. That being said I don't think there will ever be a way of communicating as authentic as the face-to-face method. I always feel interviews should be in person if possible because I feel that you can get a completely different read on someone in person (for better or for worse..) As amazing as Skype and Facetime are, there's something to be said about having someone in the room with you.

All that being said, I feel I have changed my view on students and social media conversations. However, I do feel that cyber saftey education should be at the forefront of education. The amount of freedom students have on the web is almost unfathomable and the students know more about it and learn much quicker than 98% of teachers. I know that since I have been teaching I have made it my goal to stay up on social media trends so I can do my best to help ensure student saftey and be knowledgable and current with the students. This hasnt really been a problem because it is only my 5th year teacher and my life revolves somewhat around social media. I wonder if that will change... Will it get difficult for me to stay up with the times?

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